[Infographic] Best Chefs Around the World
For those wanting a look at the best chefs around the world, we created an infographic featuring some of the Masters of Culinary Arts and the masterpieces they are known for.
[Infographic] Insights from the Luxury Hospitality Industry
Infographic to give you insights on the luxury hospitality
How to prevent jet lag?
Travelling the world has never been easier. Remote jobs, study or work abroad programs are now easier to get than ever and for most young people it’s hard to imagine spending their entire lives in one place. But no matter how much smaller the world gets, jet lag isn’t going anywhere.
Benefits of living abroad
When I was 19 years old, I went to France for 6 months for an internship at a campsite. I never had an experience as this before and I never traveled alone, everything was new for me. Now, after 7 years I am really proud I did it and I am going to tell you what I have Iearned.
5 best cities to live and work in
An internship abroad can be the best time of your life… If you pick the right location and employer brand! After years of sending people on their journeys abroad, Placement International team is an expert in knowing the best places for you to live & work or work & live in.
10 inspirational quotes for hospitality professionals
In the stressful world of hospitality even the true hospitalians in their heart sometimes need a bit of motivation to keep going. And who is better to mentor you than well-known hospitality giants?